Children are unique God given gis to mankind. They have an uncanny aribute of lightening the darkest moods and unburdening people off their stress. Children, whether toddlers or school-going kids, both are suscepble to different diseases and illnesses lurking in his surroundings. The care and nourishment you provide to your children only mulplies when their health check is done from me to me. By making your children undergo child health screening on a periodic basis, you protect their health indirectly.
At Providence our health check packages does not contain the usual blood, stool and urine tests, but also contain tests that check the child’s mental, cognive and growth facules.
We also offer HPV Vaccine to young girls who are not sexually acve to prevent cervical Cancer form occurring later in life.

  • Health Screening

    To find out more about this package or to get started right away, click the button below.
  • Opening Hours

    • Monday - Friday
      8.00 - 17.00
    • Wednesday
      3.00 - 20.00
    • Saturday
      9.30 - 3.30
    • Sunday
      9.30 - 15.00
  • Emergency Care

    Our seasoned emergency doctors and nurses are available to receive you 24hrs a day, incase of an emergency. Simply reach out to us via our emergency line or send a message on WhatsApp.

Inspire. Innovate. Care

Inspire. Innovate. Care