Cancer is fast becoming a leading cause of fatalities all over the world. Moreover, it can happen to people of any age. So when it is hereditary or running in the family, regular screenings are a must. Regular screenings not only help detect the cancer if it is there early, but also helps the doctor in carrying out necessary intervention. Other than viral, bacterial and infections triggered cancers, other external factors like smoking, tobacco, radiations and industrial pathogens are responsible for causing cancers in people. Thus, checkups for cancer detection, identify the cancer in early stages and prevent it from spreading, through medication and therapies.

  • Health Screening

    To find out more about this package or to get started right away, click the button below.
  • Opening Hours

    • Monday - Friday
      8.00 - 17.00
    • Wednesday
      3.00 - 20.00
    • Saturday
      9.30 - 3.30
    • Sunday
      9.30 - 15.00
  • Emergency Care

    Our seasoned emergency doctors and nurses are available to receive you 24hrs a day, incase of an emergency. Simply reach out to us via our emergency line or send a message on WhatsApp.